Monday, November 10, 2008

What on earth was she thinkin'?

I am not an American. Not at all. But for this particular election, I actually followed the candidates, particularly Barack Obama and Sarah Palin.

I always have high regard for Barack Obama. I once watched his speech when he won the candidacy for Democrats... and I was moved. He was very inspiring.

Anyway, I'm not here to talk about Barack because he is one subject altogether. But I was just astonished by how VP Candidate (then) Ms Sarah Palin responded to the questions of Katie Couric when she was interviewed.

Yeah, I know she might be very stressed out and pressured by all the campaigns that were going on but I don't think that's an excuse since the role that she was campaigning for has far greater pressure and stress. She can't even finish her sentences. Her thoughts were not coherent, unclear and not straight to the point. The big issue of BAILOUT. She should have at least a ready response for that.

I just thought that that she was good. But she did crack under pressure. And it was a major turned off when Katie asked her what's her favorite newspaper...

No wonder SNL got the highest viewership when Tina Fey imitated her.

And that she was pranked. Though it was a bit overboard what these duo from a famous radio station, still she didn't even wonder why President Nicolas Sarkozy will call her. And she really fell for it... flat on her face. This is how it went:

Oh well! I thought only in the Philippines we have the likes of Erap. The Great AMerican Nation do have their very own - George W. Bush and Sarah Palin.

I hardly comment on these kinds but I really can't help it. Why? Because, we are affected with whatever's happening in the US. Imagine if she won, together with Sen. McCain, I believe that the Great Depression will be strongly felt (again). And the value of our money back home will be worthless. Good thing that the US still care for their future.

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